AURORA Project Database 2.0 - Evaluation Package 
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Base de données du projet AURORA 2.0 - Package d'évaluation
The Aurora project was originally set up to establish a world wide standard for the feature extraction software which forms the core of the front-end of a DSR (Distributed Speech Recognition) system. ETSI formally adopted this activity as work items 007 and 008.The two work items within ETSI are :
- ETSI DES/STQ WI007 : Distributed Speech Recognition - Front-End Feature Extraction Algorithm & Compression Algorithm
- ETSI DES/STQ WI008 : Distributed Speech Recognition - Advanced Feature Extraction Algorithm.
The Aurora project is releasing a revised version of the Noisy TI digits database to follow on the work of ETSI. This CD set is a replacement for the previous set (version 1.0 consisted of 2 CDs while version 2.0 now consists of 4 CDs) .
This database is intended for the evaluation of algorithms for front-end feature extraction algorithms in background noise but may also be used more widely by speech researchers to evaluate and compare the performance of noise robust speech recognition algorithms.
Compared to version 1.0 the changes are as follows :
The files are restored to the energy level of the original speech in the TI digits database. One of the noise types added to the speech has been changed (the babble one) There is an additional test sets where the noises are mismatched to those used in the training set. There is a convolutional distortion test. There is a clean training set The CD ROM will be used for the next round of ETSI Aurora standards evaluation.
Two original copies of the contract must be sent to ELDA. To be valid these contracts must be initialled and signed. The user should annex to the contract the proof that he obtained the right to use the TI digits from LDC (ref. LDC93S10). This may be a signed licence agreement or a proof of membership payment for 1993.
For further details, please check the following website:
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The Aurora project was originally set up to establish a world wide standard for the feature extraction software which forms the core of the front-end of a DSR (Distributed Speech Recognition) system. ETSI formally adopted this activity as work items 007 and 008.The two work items within ETSI are :
- ETSI DES/STQ WI007 : Distributed Speech Recognition - Front-End Feature Extraction Algorithm & Compression Algorithm
- ETSI DES/STQ WI008 : Distributed Speech Recognition - Advanced Feature Extraction Algorithm.
The Aurora project is releasing a revised version of the Noisy TI digits database to follow on the work of ETSI. This CD set is a replacement for the previous set (version 1.0 consisted of 2 CDs while version 2.0 now consists of 4 CDs) .
This database is intended for the evaluation of algorithms for front-end feature extraction algorithms in background noise but may also be used more widely by speech researchers to evaluate and compare the performance of noise robust speech recognition algorithms.
Compared to version 1.0 the changes are as follows :
The files are restored to the energy level of the original speech in the TI digits database. One of the noise types added to the speech has been changed (the babble one) There is an additional test sets where the noises are mismatched to those used in the training set. There is a convolutional distortion test. There is a clean training set The CD ROM will be used for the next round of ETSI Aurora standards evaluation.
Two original copies of the contract must be sent to ELDA. To be valid these contracts must be initialled and signed. The user should annex to the contract the proof that he obtained the right to use the TI digits from LDC (ref. LDC93S10). This may be a signed licence agreement or a proof of membership payment for 1993.
For further details, please check the following website:
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