Bulgarian WordNet 
The Bulgarian wordnet (BulNet) is a lexical-semantic network of Bulgarian that represents lexical knowledge in the form of interconnected nodes. It is an electronic thesaurus with a structure modelled on the structure of the Princeton WordNet (PWN) that, subsequently, was followed by the EuroWordNet and BalkaNet.
The Bulgarian wordnet describes the meaning of a lexical unit by placing it within a network of semantic relations, such as hypernyny, meronymy, antonymy, among others. It is one of the most complete and consistent lexical resources as its literals are much more than the units in any the word list in a standard spelling dictionary. The synonym sets pertaining to different languages are connected by means of inter-language equivalence relations, which are used for the development of the wordnet multilingual lexical-semantic network in the global wordnet.
The Bulgarian wordnet is one of the biggest in Europe. It contains 49,189 synonym sets (as of January 21, 2013) distributed into nine parts of speech - nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs (open-class words); pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections, closed-class words). Each synonym set is supplied with explanatory definition which represents the common referential meaning of all its members.
The Bulgarian WordNet is a language-internal structure, minimally containing: set of variants or synonyms making up the synset; part-of-speech; language-internal relations to other synsets; a unique-id linking the synset to the English Wordnet 3.0.
Number of Synonym sets: 49,189
Number of Literals: 103,506
Number of Relations: 116,025
Number of Semantic relations: 70,317
Number of Extralinguistic relations: 5648
The Bulgarian WordNet is distributed without: glosses, usage labels, morpho-syntactic properties, examples.
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