Erzya and Moksha Mordvin Word List Corpus (UHLCS) 
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Ersän ja mokšan sanaluettelokorpus (UHLCS)
The corpus is available in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland (, access rights instructions:
1. The Erzya corpus contains a historical word list of Erzya Mordvin documented in 1785. The list of words was transliterated, compiled, and edited by Dennis Estill.
2. The Moksha Mordvin corpus contains a historical word list of Moksha Mordvin documented in 1785. The list of words was transliterated, compiled, and edited by Dennis Estill.
The Erzya and Moksha Mordvin Word Lists contain approx. 23,500 words in Erzya and 300 words in Moksha collected at the initiative of Catherine the Great under the direction of Bishop Damaskin and recorded in 1785. Two copies of the manuscripts are extant, the so-called black version for Catherine now preserved in St Petersburg, and the white version at present kept in Nyizhnyi Novgorod. These manuscripts were published in 1971 by A. P. Feoktistov in "Russko-mordovskiy slovar, Iz istorii otechestvennoy leksikografii, Izdatelstvo Nauka, Moskva. (Dennis Estill 1999). Feoktistov, A. P. Russko-mordovskij slovar' : izistorii otecestvennoj leksikografii. Moskva, 1971 writing ISO639:eng ENGLISH Information on the document is written in English.
The corpus of Erzya and Moksha Mordvin Word Lists is a part of the Multilingual Resource Collection of the UHLCS.
UHLCS has many different IPR holders. Should you have any questions regarding the collection, please contact Pirkko Suihkonen (
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