EVENTI Task @ EVALITA 2014 Test-Gold MAIN

EVENTI Test-Gold Main

The Ita-TimeBank@EVALITA2014 (Italian TimeBank @ EVALITA 2014, EVENTI evaluation exercise), is a collection of Italian documents annotated with semantic information and developed by Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (ILC - CNR, Pisa), Associazione TrentoRISE (Trento) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK, Trento). The Ita-TimeBank@EVALITA2014 includes material obtained from different sources, mainly newspaper articles.

The corpus has been manually annotated with Events, Temporal Expressions and Temporal Relations in Italian following the It-TimeML guidelines that are compliant with ISO-TimeML, the international standard based on TimeML (Time Markup Language).

Data are released in the XML-based stand-off format provided by CAT (Content Annotation Tool, http://dh.fbk.eu/resources/cat-content-annotation-tool), the tool used to annotate the corpus.

The corpus is composed by a training set (http://goo.gl/NBl40i and http://goo.gl/tG2DLf) and a test set (this distribution). Data of the pilot task are also available in META-SHARE.

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