International Corpus of Learner Finnish (ICLFI) 
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Kansainvälinen oppijansuomen korpus (ICLFI)
The International Corpus of Learner Finnish (ICLFI) is a corpus of written learner language.
The corpus is available in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland (, see there among the Finnish corpora " Suomenoppijoiden kieltä (suomi toisena tai vieraana kielenä)". After gaining access rights via you can find the corpus in Korp ( by signing in with your HAKA- or eduGAIN credentials (choose "Log in" in the cogwheel menu in the upper right corner of Korp) and using then the direct link
The corpus is morphologically annotated. The texts have been written by students of Finnish as a foreign language from various language backgrounds. They have been compiled with the help of Finnish language teachers around the world.
The corpus contains texts written by basic, independent, and proficient learners of Finnish, and the texts are analyzed according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The ICLFI comprises a variety of both non-fictional (e.g. essays, argumentative texts) and fictional texts (e.g. narratives, letters). In addition, the corpus provides information on a large number of variables concerning the linguistic background of the learner, the learning task, the learning context, etc.
The purpose of the resource use must be outlined in a research plan.
Distribution of copies is not allowed. Copies cannot be brought outside the servers of a trusted center once the resource has been made available at
Important: due to the nature of the material, the resource should be handled with care in order to respect the privacy of the personal data. If samples of the data are published, they must be anonymized according to best practices.
For detailed information on the license of the resource see
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