Komi Zyrian Corpus (UHLCS) 
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Komisyrjäänin korpus (UHLCS)
The corpus is available in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland (taito-shell.csc.fi, access rights instructions: http://www.kielipankki.fi/access).
1. Jesus Friend of Children.
ISBN 91-88394-64-6, ISBN 952-9790-13-9.
Institute for Bible Translation.
Stockholm & Helsinki 1994. 65 pp.
Document type: running text.
Size of the corpus: 7,338 words, 48,883 characters.
Character encoding: Cyrillic alphabet converted to the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1).
2. Gospel of Mark in Komi-Zyrian language.
(Preliminary edition.)
ISBN 91-88394-79-4, ISBN 952-9790-20-1. 71 pp.
Institute for Bible Translation.
Stockholm & Helsinki 1995.
Document type: running text.
Size of the corpus: 11,932 words, 86,108 characters.
Character encoding: Cyrillic alphabet converted to the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1).
3. Gospel of Luke in Komi-Zyrian language.
(Trial edition.)
ISBN 91-88794-32-6, 952-9790-32-5. 137 pp.
Institute for Bible Translation.
Stockholm & Helsinki 1996.
Document type: running text.
Size of the corpus: 14,677 words, 101,908 characters.
Character encoding: Cyrillic alphabet converted to the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1).
4. Gospel of John in Komi-Zyrian language.
(Trial edition.)
ISBN91-88794-88-1, 952-9790-44-9. 97 pp.
Institute for Bible Translation.
Stockholm & Helsinki 1997.
Document type: running text.
Size of the corpus: 14,769 words, 102,504 characters.
Character encoding: Cyrillic alphabet converted to the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1).
5. The New Testament in the Komi-Zyrian language
ISBN 10: 978-952-5634-16-7
Institute for Bible Translation
Helsinki/Izhevsk 2008
The document types: htm, rtf, txt, xml
The size of the corpus: 6,65 Mt (calculated from the rtf-file)
6. Morphologically encoded Komi texts
The Komi texts are in three formats: running texts, in the sentence-per-line format, and morphologically encoded format. They include the following:
(1) 2 short-stories by a Komi writer, (2) a text of a booklet for children, (3) an article from a Komi newspaper, (4) a scientific text (in two parts) from a Komi periodical and (5) religional texts:
(1) N'ina Kuratova (1983). Bobön'an' kör, Povest'jas, vis'tjas.
Komi kn'izhnöj izdatel'stvo, Syktyvkar.
(2) Rots'ev, Jegor (1987). Mitruk petö tundrays', 3 - 65.
Komi knizhnoj izdatelstvo, Syktyvkar.
(3) P. Stolpovskij, SSSR-ys' pisat'el'jas sojuzsa ts'l'en. Komi mu 1991: 4.
(4) Tsypanov, Jevgenij (1989). VK: 6, 49 - 55.
Komi Zyrian (corpora and texts) is a part of the Multilingual Resource Collection of the UHLCS.
UHLCS has many different IPR holders. Should you have any questions regarding the collection, please contact Pirkko Suihkonen (suihkonen.pirkko@gmail.com).
License details: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-20150304117
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The purpose of the resource use must be outlined in a research plan.
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