LX-Stopwords resource is a manual list of words from Portuguese composed by 2631 words of 51 types. The words are grouped in three big classes, arranged according to their morpho-syntactic category and inflectional feature value (closed classes, open classes, and multi-word units). This list was created as a support resource to develop CRIVO/EtiFac tool (see Branco & Silva, 2001), a tool for the semiautomatic annotation of corpora. With this in mind, the list seeks to be an as exhaustive as possible repository of all word forms that belong to closed classes, items typically with high frequency and fixity.
Taking into account the ambiguity between words of different categories, which means that some words from closed classes (1866 words) can be part of others categories, two classes were added to the list: open classes (592 words) and multi-word units (173 words), including only the words already contained in closed classes.
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