PAROLE Italian Corpus 
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Corpus PAROLE italien
The PAROLE Italian Corpus comprises 3,135,651 words collected from four different domains:
• newspapers: 2,179,800 words from La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, L’Unione Sarda, Il Sole 24ore, between 1992 and 1996,
• periodicals: 143,810 words from Casaviva, 100cose, Epoca, Espansione, Grazia, Panorama, Starbene, Storia Illustrata, Zerouno, between 1985 and 1988,
• books: 564,964 words, between 1970 and 1989,
• miscellaneous: 247,077 words from CNR documents, Patents, Maritime documents, Theater, between 1987 and 1997.
About 250,000 words were morphosyntactically annotated and lemmatized.
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Le corpus PAROLE italien comprend 3 135 651 mots collectés à partir de quatre domaines différents :
• journaux : 2 179 800 mots issus de La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, L’Unione Sarda, Il Sole 24ore, entre 1992 et 1996,
• périodiques : 143 810 mots issus de Casaviva, 100cose, Epoca, Espansione, Grazia, Panorama, Starbene, Storia Illustrata, Zerouno, entre 1985 et 1988,
• livres : 564 964 mots, entre 1970 et 1989,
• divers : 247 077 mots issus de documents du CNR, de licences, de documents maritimes, de théatre, entre 1987 et 1997.
Environ 250 000 mots sont annotés au niveau morpho-syntaxique et lemmatisés.
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