Spanish LMF Parole Lexicon 
Spanish LMF Parole Lexicon
This is the LMF version of the Spanish Parole lexicon.
The original PAROLE lexica (20,000 entries per language) were built conform to a model based on EAGLES guidelines and GENELEX results, underlying a common lexical tool adapted from the EUREKA-GENELEX project. This software tool was extended to support the PAROLE model and conversion and management processes of the resulting resources. The languages involved in PAROLE lexica are: Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portugese, Spanish and Swedish.
The current lexicon contains 64594 lexical entries.
- Spanish PAROLE lexicon as described in The original source was updated and corrected so that it validates against the parole DTD and eventually against the LMF DTD.
- ParoleSimple2LMF.xsl
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