The Swedish Literature Bank 
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The Swedish Literature Bank is a co-operation between the Swedish Academy, the Royal Library of Sweden, the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, the Language Bank of the University of Gothenburg, the Swedish Society for Belles Lettres, and the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland. The Swedish Literature Bank is the website for reliable digital versions of Swedish classics. While publishing canonical works by Swedish authors, The Swedish Literature Bank also focuses on neglected authors and genres, effectively establishing a set of ‘minor classics’ alongside the canonical works. The Swedish Literature Bank offers literary works either as searchable e-text, as facsimiles of the original edition, as PDF files or as EPUB files – often in more than one format. The texts are available free of charge and the software is developed as open source. The website is directed towards the general public and students and teachers at every level, as well as towards scholars. The digital texts are based on printed first editions or on later scholarly editions. They are carefully proof-read, thus establishing a basis for scholarly work. For the common reader, introductions and essays provide fresh perspectives on the classics.
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Litteraturbankens syfte är att vara en fri kulturhistorisk och litterär resurs för forskning, undervisning och folkbildning. Den är till för alla: forskare, lärare, studerande och litterärt allmänintresserade. Huvuduppgiften är att samla in och digitalisera skönlitteratur och viktigare humaniora samt tillgängliggöra materialet på sådant sätt att det blir möjligt för användare att arbeta med det. På Litteraturbanken kan man läsa och söka i texter, ladda ner och skriva ut pdf-filer och se faksimilbilder av böcker och manuskript som annars kan vara svårtillgängliga.
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