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China  (1989)
India  (1408)
Germany  (1147)
France  (1140)
Finland  (944)
Greece  (693)
Spain  (677)
Canada  (334)
Poland  (316)
Japan  (309)
Brazil  (289)
Italy  (263)
Turkey  (218)
Vietnam  (198)
Indonesia  (189)
Romania  (188)
Belgium  (173)
Austria  (157)
Sweden  (147)
Singapore  (144)
Ireland  (141)
Egypt  (131)
Hungary  (124)
Malaysia  (116)
Hong Kong  (108)
Cuba  (107)
Pakistan  (104)
Latvia  (100)
Denmark  (86)
Slovenia  (80)
Croatia  (79)
Slovakia  (77)
Myanmar  (74)
Taiwan  (70)
Algeria  (69)
Ukraine  (61)
Mexico  (58)
Morocco  (58)
Israel  (56)
Serbia  (49)
Nigeria  (42)
Bulgaria  (42)
Estonia  (40)
Iceland  (37)
Belarus  (37)
Sudan  (35)
Portugal  (33)
Norway  (32)
Thailand  (28)
Jordan  (27)
Europe  (25)
Chile  (16)
Kenya  (16)
Nepal  (16)
Lebanon  (14)
Tunisia  (11)
Colombia  (10)
Albania  (8)
Benin  (8)
Peru  (8)
Malta  (5)
Iraq  (3)
Oman  (2)
Kuwait  (1)
Ecuador  (1)
Cyprus  (1)
Angola  (1)
* This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from and a Google Maps chart.

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 2006 CoNLL Shared Task – Arabic & Czech    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 116
  • Arabic
  • Czech
 PELCRA mutlilingual parallel corpora (CC-BY)    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 219
  • Arabic
  • Belarussian
  • Bulgarian
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
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  • French
  • German
  • Greek
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  • Ukrainian
 2007 CoNLL Shared Task - Greek, Hungarian & Italian    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 60
  • Greek, Modern (1453-)
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
 2007 CoNLL Shared Task - Arabic & English    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 82
  • Arabic
  • English